Oshiro Remake for iPad underway

Hey guys!  I’ve been meaning to start the remake of Oshiro on my free time for a long time.  I got inspired to tackle it at the beginning of this year, after seeing a couple friends having a lot of fun playing the old web version.  But I’ve been stuck in a waiting pattern because I didn’t know what framework/technology to use.  LoomSDK looked interesting with live code reload and ease of deployment, and trying out new, bleeding-edge platforms always excited me.  But when I got real about what I’m doing with my project (getting something in the store eventually, not just a fun pet project), I decided that I shouldn’t take a risk on the unproven and young framework.  So I went with Cocos2D-JS, which has been enhanced with some new tools (Cocos IDE and Cocos Studio).  To be honest, I don’t really know what the tools can do exactly, but it tells me the framework is mature and still well supported.  And I just need to get a move on things 🙂

To start, I threw a placeholder tileset together just so I have something to work with.  My first goal is to just get a single-player puzzle level prototype working, then get to the look and feel after that.  Here’s how the placeholder tileset I’m rolling with:

Placeholder tileset for Oshiro for iPad

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