Tag Archives: dynamodb

Postmortem: Migrating MongoDB to DynamoDB

Introduction DynamoDB, a relatively new arrival to the NoSQL party, celebrated its three-year anniversary earlier this year. We have now seen it deployed in mature products like the portfolio of online games at TinyCo and our own app store optimization solution) at Gummicube. It’s pay-as-you-go, it’s extremely scalable, with basically zero administration overhead. However, it […]
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Couchbase vs. DynamoDB for Free-To-Play Games

Perry and I used to joke about what will get released first: FableLab’s next game or Couchbase 2.0.  And yes, he won 🙂  But that does mean that I get the option to use the new version to power my next game.  Besides key operational improvement, 2.0 also added several key features that were missing […]
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