Monthly Archives: July 2011

Animal Party gets coverage in Inside Social Game

Animal Party hit the big 100k DAU and 800k MAU mark over the weekend!   Inside Social Game interviewed Tommy Wu, my co-founder/CEO, for a few quotes.  You can see the article here. We’re now doing various optimization and content tweak for Animal Party while continuing ahead on our next title.
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Animal Party hitting 500k MAU; Facebook Credits as currency

Animal Party joined the 6waves publishing network several weeks ago and we’ve been getting more traffic.  We also transitioned our monetization strategy to use Facebook Credits as a in-game currency, which made us eligible for various Facebook promotion that brought in additional traffic.  As a result, we broke 500k MAU for the first time since […]
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Mootools conflicting with FB.ui (Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘className’ of undefined)

I just spent a few hours running down a gnarly bug that became an issue on production late last night.  All of the FB.ui dialog calls began to fail on our website with a Javascript exception. After much trial and error, I was able to determine that Mootools was the root cause.  Without Mootools, everything […]
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