Monthly Archives: March 2011

Webinar on using Couchbase for large scale games

I will be working with Perry from Couchbase tomorrow to plan out our Webinar – Couchbase: Scale Overnight from Thousands to Millions of Users The actual webinar will be take place Wednesday, March 30th, 9:00am.   If you want to hear about how we use a key-value store solution to achieve horizontal scaling with almost no sysadmin […]
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Post GDC Thoughts

The 2011 GDC took place earlier this month, and although I didn’t attend the actual conference this year, I read up on several of the session summaries and caught up with several of my friends in the industry.  My biggest observation this year is how the developers view towards “social games” have started to change. […]
Posted in Gaming Bizdev, Theoretical Thoughts | Leave a comment

Hello, and Welcome!

After a few years of inactivity, I decided to bring back Walking Ideas as a game developer blog, and make the full version of Oshiro available online for free.   Oshiro is a puzzle game that Rick and I built back in the days, and it actually started out as an actual board game.  We […]
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