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- on Game Design: Rise of the Clones
- how to make a man fall in love on Game Design: Rise of the Clones
- AWS training on Upgrading Membase 1.7.2 to Couchbase 1.8.1, provisioned IOPS for EBS
- Sara White on Trouble handling Icon\r file with Git
- Rodgerlix on Couchbase vs. DynamoDB for Free-To-Play Games
Webinar on using Couchbase for large scale games
I will be working with Perry from Couchbase tomorrow to plan out our Webinar – Couchbase: Scale Overnight from Thousands to Millions of Users
The actual webinar will be take place Wednesday, March 30th, 9:00am. If you want to hear about how we use a key-value store solution to achieve horizontal scaling with almost no sysadmin effort on our game Animal Party, then check out the webinar!