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- on Game Design: Rise of the Clones
- how to make a man fall in love on Game Design: Rise of the Clones
- AWS training on Upgrading Membase 1.7.2 to Couchbase 1.8.1, provisioned IOPS for EBS
- Sara White on Trouble handling Icon\r file with Git
- Rodgerlix on Couchbase vs. DynamoDB for Free-To-Play Games
Author Archives: Shawn
New puzzle game underway!
Don’t have a whole lot of specifics yet, but Rick and I dusted off a puzzle game prototype that had been sitting in his digital drawers for a few years, until some recent chain of events lead to its rediscovery. And now we’re going to make it come alive on an iPad near you. We’re […]
Posted in Development 3 Comments
Couchbase vs. DynamoDB for Free-To-Play Games
Perry and I used to joke about what will get released first: FableLab’s next game or Couchbase 2.0. And yes, he won 🙂 But that does mean that I get the option to use the new version to power my next game. Besides key operational improvement, 2.0 also added several key features that were missing […]
If you are unable to find attached iOS device on Flash Builder 4.7 Beta 2…
Hey guys! We at FableLabs have been working on doing mobile development using Adobe AIR and our AS3 codebase on my Windows machine. The new FB 4.7 Beta 2 and Project Monocle have been working out really well, exceeding our expectations. And I will do a write up on them later when I finally get a breather. […]
Upgrading Membase 1.7.2 to Couchbase 1.8.1, provisioned IOPS for EBS
I just completed an upgrade of our prod Membase cluster to go from 1.7.2 to Couchbase 1.8.1 community edition, which was made available recently. Since I am planning to do the upgrade by taking all the nodes down and update all the server software which will incur downtime, I figured I will also try out […]
Tim Schafer, Double Fine to crowd-source a new adventure game
Okay, I admit, I am a Tim Schafer fan. If you know what we do at FableLabs, it should be no surprise that I love to see good stories in a game. And Schafer has produced some of the most beautiful and story-rich graphics adventure games in the past. He now turns to Kickstarter to […]
Posted in Gaming Bizdev, Theoretical Thoughts Leave a comment
gevent compatible Memcache client
I have been looking for a memcache client that plays well with gevent, and I stumbled upon one today: It’s written and maintained by the good folks at They built Battlelog, the social network for Battlefield 3, using gevent and this memcache client. They also released a gevent-compatible MySQL driver and a few […]
Game Design: Rise of the Clones
There has been a recent flurry of media coverage on big game companies releasing clones of games developed by smaller, indie studios. Here are a couple of claims made by two studios against Zynga: And here is a more recent and more serious accusation that is actually turning into a lawsuit, against our […]
Key stats to monitor for your Membase cluster
Happy holidays everyone! I realize that from working with Membase in our production over the last year, I’ve collected a few key commands in my .bashrc for quickly checking vital stats on my Membase servers, many of them came from the good folks at Couchbase. Their wiki has improved over the year as well, […]
Changing default users collection name for accounts package in Meteor